Answer a few simple questions to check if you are eligible for work injury compensation.

Click 'Next' to get started!

What Is Your Injury or Condition?

Have You Already Lodged A Work Cover Claim?

If yes, What's The Date Of The Claim?

Was The Claim Accepted Or Rejected?

What's The Date Of The Injury?

If you can't remember the exact date, a month and year estimate is fine.

Do You Want To Know What WorkCover Can Pay You?

Do You Want To Know If You Are Eligible For A Lump Sum Payment?

Do Any Of The Following Apply To You?

Select Any That Do:

Your Name?

Your Phone Number?

We will only ever contact you with regards to your case. We will not contact you outside of the context of your compensation.

Your Email?

We will only contact you in relation to your compensation.

Thank You For Completing The WorkCover Compo Checker

Please submit your answers using the below submit button, we will be in touch shortly with our assessment of your case.